Ok, so this whole time I had a plan! I knew what I was doing...I thought I knew...
Sunday night I was supposed to talk about "Friends"..easy topic, right? I had an idea, I knew what direction I wanted to go in, I was actually prepared (i know that doesnt happen often) All the past week, I felt like God was trying to point me in a different direction. Me, being the (as some would say) stubborn person I am, didnt want to change...I was actually prepared in advance! So I stick my finger in my one working ear...
Saturday night I was praying and trying to get myself focused for the next day, when along comes a little tapping on my heart..."Ruthe, I still want you to go in a different direction..."
I try arguing with God. It doesnt work!
My brother gets frustrated with me when I have car problems. He'll ask me "how long has it been making that noise?" and of course my response is "what noise?"
Evidently when I hear something I dont want to deal with, I turn the music up until it drowns out the noise.
So I try this tactic with God.
Again, it does not work!
Ever notice that when God wants you to do something, no matter how far you run, He always gets His way? (i.e. Jonah and the big fish, or Ruthe and her sunday night talk)
How silly I am to think I could drown out the voice of God!
The God who speaks things into existence!
The God who breathed the very life into man!
How amazing is my God! A-MA-ZING!!!
I'm so thankful that nothing I can do can throw God off or mess up His plans!
What a relief to know that there is nothing I can do screw up so much that He cant fix it with just the sound of His voice!
What a powerful God we serve!
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