No names have been changed to protect the innocent. Nothing has been altered or fabricated despite the incredible nature of what transpired the second weekend of May, 2009.....
Early Saturday morning, shortly after 8, I
was conversing with my little brother using my dependable blackberry phone.
I hadn't talked to him in a while so I was very much enjoying the phone call...
But just like a whinny child, I hear Charlie in the living room
demanding attention in the form of water in his water bowl....
So I pick up his dish...Still talking to my brother...carry it
to the sink, fill it up. BUT on my trek back to the living room, my little brother slipped off my shoulder and fell right into Charlie's dish!
There I stood, for what seemed like 2 seconds, completely horrified that I had just drowned my little brother in Charlie's dish..."What an awful sister!"
But thinking quickly, I said, "Josh! I'm so sorry!"
Thinking a little slower, I realized I had already drowned him, and therefore, he could not hear me...Shortly before 9am, my blackberry 8110 passed away.
After dismantling the phone, I realized that I had lost everything...numbers, addresses, my calendar, everything....gone. What a tragic beginning to my weekend.
I had to borrow a phone and call my mother and apologize for drowning her only son in Charlie's water dish....No child should have to do that!
Halfway thru my saturday, someone told me to stick my phone in a bowl of rice, and that would suck out all the moisture...desperate, I tried it...
Well Sunday morning, I get home after church and put my phone back together...and sure enough...IT LIVES!!! IT'S A MIRACLE!
Thru this whole experience, I have learned three things.
1. Blackberry phones have a stubborn will to live,
2. multi-tasking is not always smart, and
3. rice rocks!
What you have just read is a true. No names have been changed to protect the innocent. Nothing has been altered or fabricated despite the incredible nature of what transpired the second weekend of May, 2009.....